Operational Excellence Benchmarking
Using simple assessment tools we can help you maximise the impact and value from your opex activities

Process Insight Operational Excellence Assessment
This is a comprehensive 360 audit which evaluates key areas of opex best practice as well as the essential organisational foundations necessary for success. The output tells you exactly where you are versus benchmark standards and gives you an excellent tool for planning your next areas of focus and tracking progress.
Benchmarking is important for any organization considering starting out or reinvigorating an existing opex programme.
Process Insight have developed two assessment tools which we have been using for many years and a database with results from over 100 companies.
The audits are quick and easy to use and help answer the questions:
- How well are we doing?
- Where should we focus our efforts?
- How can we maximise the value and impact of our efforts?
They are also very useful for tracking progress year on year, and shaping the direction of your opex activities.

Process Insight Deployment Health Check
This assessment looks specifically at the 8 critical success factors for opex deployment and allow clients to quickly pinpoints strengths and weaknesses and make any necessary adjustments to accelerate impact and benefits.
The opex assessment focuses on the WHAT you should be doing. The Deployment Health-check addresses HOW you should be doing it.
Why not contact us today to arrange for a free consultation?